Meadowbrook Stables: Proposed Covered Riding Ring

Meadowbrook Stables is proposing to build a covered riding ring that is approximately 30,000 sq ft with a footprint of 125 X 225’. Below is the information shared by Montgomery County Parks regarding the proposed covered riding ring at Meadowbrook Stables. Please share this information with your friends and neighbors in the community.

Neighbors have expressed concern about the structure’s size and impact on Meadowbrook Park use and enjoyment for all of our community and not just those participating in riding related activities.

The RCA will continue to track the developments of this proposed structure. We invite you, as stakeholders in our community, to weigh in on whether you think this is an appropriate structure for our neighborhood.

Here is a link for you to provide your feedback online.

There is a Town Hall on March 15, 2020 for you to attend and provide feedback. Here are the details.

Here is the current feedback provided by the community:

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Click here to download the latest architectural drawings.

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Meadowbrook Stables: Proposed Covered Riding Ring

Project Description

Meadowbrook Stables is proposing to build a covered riding ring on the southeastern corner of the property, farthest from Rock Creek. The proposed ring will be a pavilion-like structure (125′ X 225′) with transparent, seasonal enclosures (e.g. garage-door type retractable sides), and will function as an open pavilion for most of the year. The project will also construct a new horse/ pedestrian path between the ring and a driveway to the west, remove an existing fence surrounding the ring, plant additional landscaping, and install new rain barrels and bio-retention facilities surrounding the newly covered ring. The proposed ring will be privately financed and was laid out in the 2002 Development Agreement.


Founded in 1934, Meadowbrook Stables is one of the oldest and last remaining urban equestrian facilities in the United States. The facility currently consists of about nine acres, including a historic barn and farrier (blacksmith) shed, utility building, four, sand riding rings, fenced grass pastures, and public picnic seating areas. The property is bounded by

East-West Highway to the north, Meadowbrook Lane to the east and south, and Rock Creek to the west. The property is owned by The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC), and the facility is operated by the Meadowbrook Foundation under a lease agreement.

The Meadowbrook Foundation, operating as Meadowbrook Stables, is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. It operates pursuant to a lease with the M-NCPPC. The facility is used for riding lessons, summer camps, and related programs, teaching more than 450 students each year, housing 50 horses, and employing more than 25 full- and part-time staff, as well as up to 25 youth in summer programs.

Status/Project Update

A 2003 Development Agreement with M-NCPPC spelled out two distinct phases of improvements. In Phase 1, which was executed between 2003 and 2005, Meadowbrook invested $3 million to re-fence, grade, and improve the four current sand rings; improve public picnic and walking areas; fence grass pastures as grazing areas for the horses; install numerous trees and other plantings to improve the appearance, screen the building, and add shade; and construct a utility building to house manure dumpsters and equipment.

The sole focus of the Development Agreement’s Phase 2 is the covered ring. In 2002, as part of the comprehensive development approach contemplated by the Development Agreement, M-NCPPC approved Phase II consisting of a pavilion-style riding ring cover over a ring immediately to the west of and adjacent to the historic stable. The current proposed location is the third riding ring (C) furthest from Rock Creek, as shown.  That structure was not built at the time. When completed, the $1.5 million covered riding arena, like the $3 million in improvements previously made under the Development Agreement in 2003 – 2005, will be donated to M-NCPPC Montgomery Parks.

A community meeting was held on January 16, 2020, to collect questions and comments.  A frequently-asked-questions document has been created and will continue to be updated in response to questions and comments we receive. Please keep your eyes on this project page for updates and take note that construction will rely on the approvals of multiple federal, state, and county permitting agencies.

  Ways you can comment on this project:

  1. Comment/Vote on the Open Town Hall (Please review the FAQ before commenting) through March 15, 2020.

  2. Submit a statement and/or testify at the National Capital Planning Commission public hearing scheduled for April 2, 2020.

  3. Submit a statement and/or testify at an upcoming Montgomery Planning Board public hearing (April 16, 2020 – tentative).

  4. Email project manager.

Project Exhibits

(All exhibits are subject to review and approval by Montgomery Parks and other regulatory agencies, and will be updated on this site.)

The following are links to exhibits related to this project. If you require assistance to read the exhibit materials, please contact David Tobin at (301) 495-2478.

Calendar and Meeting Notes

Links to review meeting notes and presentations will be attached to each applicable calendar event as it is scheduled and completed.




Staff Review N/A January 16, 2020 Public Meeting

frequently-asked-questions document has been created and will continue to be updated in response to questions and comments we receive.

There are several ways you can comment on the plan.

Meadowbrook Park Activity Building, 7901 Meadowbrook Lane, Chevy Chase, MD 20815March 15, 2020Deadline for public Comment/Vote can be submitted through the Open Town Hall (Please review the FAQ before commenting) Montgomery Parks Open Town Hall webpage April 2, 2020 The National Capital Planning Commission public hearing. The public may submit a statement and/or testify in person.National Capital Planning Commission, 401 9th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20004 April 16, 2020.


Planning Board meeting Montgomery Regional Office Building, 8787 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20901


M-NCPPC Staff Contact

David Tobin, Project Manager
(301) 495-2478