UPDATE Meadowbrook Stables: Proposed Covered Riding Ring Building
Since our previous announcement of this proposed construction, a letter and petition is being shared by neighbors that oppose the construction of the covered riding ring building.
The letter contains additional research and information that counters some of what the Stables has shared with the park service.
We are posting the letter below as well as the link to sign the petition should you be interested. We also encourage you to visit the Montgomery County Parks website for their updates and additional information and contact your representatives.
Supporters in opposition of the proposed building
Dear Neighbor,
I am writing to make sure that you are aware of proposed construction in Rock Creek Park. Meadowbrook Stables is seeking approval to build a massive structure that is bigger than an NHL Hockey Rink, 38' tall, and would be built on a flood plain in Rock Creek Park directly next to the hiker/biker path on Meadowbrook Lane.
We invite you to join your neighbors who strongly oppose this construction by signing a petition opposing the construction:
Here are a few of the reasons why we oppose the construction:
- There is frequent flooding at this spot, often requiring closure of Candy Cane Park.
- This massive building would destroy the open view in a very narrow part of the park.
- The building would be huge - measuring 225 feet by 125 feet. The footprint would cover more than 1/3 of the width of this narrow section of park.
- It will be 38 feet tall at its highest point – almost as high as the existing arena light poles.
- The building would be a warehouse-like structure – constructed of metal. Meadowbrook’s existing barn is in a designated historic area, but the new building would be just outside that area, to avoid the need to meet historic designation requirements.
- The proposed building isn't necessary. It would benefit the relative few who can afford the $3,000 lesson fees at Meadowbrook (many of whom live outside Montgomery County). But it would create a huge negative impact to the many thousands who enjoy the hiker-biker trail through the park.
- Horseback riding – like so many county youth sports and activities such as soccer, baseball, softball, track, and tennis - is fundamentally an outdoor sport. Meadowbrook users ride rain or shine, and have for 85 years. Meadowbrook does not refund fees if lessons are canceled for weather. Despite Meadowbrook’s claims to the contrary, Meadowbrook has never canceled a horse show for reasons that would have been avoided if the new facility had been available.
- Meadowbrook has given false information to the public and agencies responsible for the approval, including leading the National Capital Planning Commission to believe that the designated construction location is not in a flood plain.
- Meadowbrook and the Parks Department have been rushing this project along with very limited notice to the community. The original NCPC comment period expired without any notice to the community.
We urge you to be skeptical and critical of the information provided by Meadowbrook and the Parks Department. Concerned neighbors have spent many hours correcting material factual errors in their submission to NCPC. As a result, NCPC has twice postponed putting this project on their hearing agenda.
Status of the project and what you can do:
- The National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC) must approve this project. We expect that it will be on its April 2 agenda.
- NCPC has an open comment period through March 18.
- You can review project drawings and submit comments at www.ncpc.gov
- Interested neighbors will have an opportunity to sign up to speak at both the NCPC and M-NCPPC hearings.
And Most Importantly Please Sign our Petition:
Thank you!